5S is a workplace organization and visual management methodology that originated in Japan. It is often used as a foundational tool within Lean manufacturing and Lean management principles, aiming to improve efficiency, safety, and overall productivity by organizing and maintaining a clean and orderly work environment. The term “5S” is derived from five Japanese words, each beginning with the letter “S,” representing the five key principles of the methodology:

- Seiri (Sort): This step involves going through all items in the workplace and distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary items. Unnecessary items are removed or relocated to ensure that only essential items remain. This simplifies the work area and reduces clutter.
- Seiton (Set in Order): After sorting, the next step is to arrange and organize the remaining items in a logical and efficient manner. Tools, materials, and equipment are assigned specific locations, and everything has a designated place. This helps reduce wasted time searching for tools or supplies and ensures that everything is readily accessible.
- Seiso (Shine): In this step, the workplace is thoroughly cleaned and maintained. Regular cleaning is encouraged to keep the work area neat and tidy. A clean environment promotes safety, quality, and a sense of pride among employees.
- Seiketsu (Standardize): Standardization involves establishing clear procedures and guidelines for maintaining the first three S’s (Sort, Set in Order, Shine). Standardized practices ensure that the workplace remains organized and clean over time. This step also includes visual management, such as labeling and marking tools and areas to make it easy for employees to follow the established standards.
- Shitsuke (Sustain): Sustaining the improvements made through the first four S’s is an ongoing effort. This step emphasizes the importance of continuous discipline and commitment to maintaining the organized and efficient workplace. Regular audits and reviews are conducted to ensure that the 5S principles are consistently applied.

5S is not only applied in manufacturing but can also be adapted to office environments, healthcare settings, and other workplaces to enhance organization, efficiency, safety, and overall productivity. It is often used as a foundational step in the Lean journey, creating a stable and organized work environment as a basis for further process improvement initiatives.